District 5030 Rotarians
We can't do this without every single Rotarian and our awesome Rotaries.

District 5030 includes 47 separate clubs. Currently only five clubs participate in the Youth Exchange Program. If your Club wants to change lives, it's very easy. Enthusiastic District Youth Exchange leaders can help.
Here's what you need:​​
a Youth Counselor who stays in touch with the international exchange student throughout their stay to manage any unexpected issues. (2 hours/month)
Selection and volunteer vetting of the host family must be completed prior to the host club finalizing the inbound student’s guarantee form. Because this often happens in March or April all the families are not always identified. A good practice is to always have an arrival family fully vetted that is willing to act as the welcome family for the first week or two after the student arrives. This family can be responsible for communicating with the student, possibly meeting them at the airport, familiarizing them and introducing them around town, and introducing them to club Rotarians, bringing them to their first Rotary meeting and to introduce them to other peers in the area.
By having a welcome family you can process the necessary paperwork quickly. A student must be notified if this first family will be their arrival family or their permanent family before they leave their home country. If the first family changes prior to the student leaving their home country the student must be notified. All families must be fully vetted through the volunteer and host family process and have had an orientation prior to the student’s move in date.